We Need Your Voice: Three Calls to Action for Parents

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October 2015

By Jamie Richardson

Get InvolvedJoin the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and IDA President, Hal Malchow, in supporting three important calls to action:

  1. Share your family’s story to prove the need to #SayDyslexia to further discussions at the federal level. Help us make the case against the July 24th letter from the Council of Administrators of Special Education to Department of Education that argues against the use of the term dyslexia. (Learn more here.)

Be sure to include the following in your story:

•Examples of how your child’s school is not recognizing dyslexia

•Consequences to your child as a result of the school not recognizing dyslexia

•Whether or not your child’s school can provide appropriate reading instruction for students with dyslexia

•Examples of your child’s school being uninformed or misinformed about dyslexia and its remediation

•Names of schools, school districts, and states

•Your family’s name and contact information

  1. Understood.org is collecting signatures to call on the President and Congress to fund 40% of special education cost for schools. Right now Congress only funds IDEA at 16%. Join Understood.org in calling on leaders in Washington to keep their promise. You help could make a difference. Click here to sign the petition.
  1. Dyslexia Advantage has undertaken what many say is the largest survey of parents of children with dyslexia ever. The hope is to collect data to give a face to the diagnosis and share how dyslexia affects students and their parents. Dyslexic Advantage has been working closely with the Office of Civil Rights and Bipartisan Dyslexia Caucus in Washington D.C. You can help by participating in the survey that will inform the need for change. Click here to complete the survey online.

Thank you for your support!

Jamie Richardson is the Editor of the Dyslexia Connection, a freelance writer and editor, and a homeschool mom to three kids.

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